12th - 18th May

To Give via our Just giving place click here
Pauline Heath to Walk 70k in May - I intend to do the ‘70K in May’ to raise some money for Christian Aid. If anyone would like to sponsor me while I walk this distance over the month of May I have put a sponsor form at the back of church.
Many thanks, Pauline Heath.
We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who helped make the week such a success - performers, cooks, helpers, those who delivered and collected, cyclists and walkers, and all who made donations. It was good to see so many people together for the events, and we hope we can build on this for the future. We do not yet have a final figure but it looks as though we are past the £3000 mark. We would like to thank and congratulate Peter Lowe, whose bike ride from Land's End to John O'Groats raised, for Christians Aid, £1270 (at the last count, and which is not included in the above figure), and also over £1500 for the Alzheimer's Society.
Janet, Malcolm and Pauline.
To make a donation please visit our Just Giving page or call 0114 230 1199 to make a card payment or send cash /cheque in an envelope to the parish centre office.
Here is what is on during Christian Aid Week at St John's, Ranmoor this year:
14th -20th May

We have lots going on for Christian Aid week this year at St John's. There are some specific fund raising activities going on too which would be great if you can support.
Peter Lowe – Lands End to Jon O’Groats for Christian Aid and Alzeimers I’ll be starting from Lands End in mid- April and cycling solo to Jon O’Groats via England, Wales, Scottish west coast, Kintyre and the length of the Outer Hebrides. The ride will end during Christian Aid week. I’m grateful to the wonderful supporters who are sponsoring me in aid of Christian Aid and Alzheimers Research. If anyone reading this wishes to donate to my chosen charities then please visit: to give to Christian Aid or to give to Alzheimer’s research Thank you very much” Peter Lowe
Parish Boundary Walk 2023 Summary - We are planning a walk around the Ranmoor Parish boundary following the APCM on May 14th (Rogation Sunday). This is also the start of Christian Aid Week, so we will be asking for participants to raise some sponsorship for the event. The complete route is approximately 6 miles (9.5km) and includes a tricky climb, but we will be offering other options including one of about 5.5 miles (9km) which avoids any rough paths. The walk will start at 1:30 after allowing time for a picnic following the meeting and will be led by Pauline and Alan Heath. Maps will also be available for anyone not able to join us at that time.
Grow some peas for Christian Aid – Christian Aid this year are having a Pea Challenge. In Malawi they try to grow pigeon peas which they make into flour, as these are drought and flood resistant, which is one of their staple foods. We are going to ask you to grow your own peas. You will be provided with 2 peas, a pot, a stick (to mark your name on and what you are growing) and these will be available at messy church on the 8th April and at the Easter Sunday service at 10.30am, for 50p per pot.
Friday 19th May – Concert of Talents – given by members of St John’s choir and congregation
Saturday 20th May – Big Breakfast / Brunch 10am-1pm plus stalls including plants, cakes, handcrafted cards, books and preserves.
Christian Aid Week 2022

To make a donation please visit our Just Giving page or call 0114 230 1199 to make a card payment or send cash /cheque in an envelope to the parish centre office.
Here is what is on during Christian Aid Week at St John's Ranmoor this year:

Winners have been selected and prizes will be issued this week (26th May 2022)
Christian Aid Week 2021
Our Christian Aid total this year is around £4,500. Huge thanks to everyone who has took part in our various events in May.
From the breakfast cafe and plant sale, to the flower demo and talent show. From the book sale and fun quiz to the door drop. Pauline Heath also walked an incredible 300k steps!!
This year we were raising money to fund projects aiming to provide water in drought stricken communities in Kenya. Christian Aid is focusing on the threats to people’s lives caused by the climate crisis. Thanks again for your support.
Click here to make a donation to our 2021 appeal:
Christian Aid Week 2020
Christian Aid Carols 2020 – Our choir have recorded advent Carols and are supporting Christian Aid this year online instead of their normal Carol singing on Fargate in Sheffield. Please follow the you tube link here to listen to the recordings.
What a phenomenal week we have had supporting Christian Aid. The total raised was around 5k we feel so proud and blessed that our congregation and parish have really supported our events.
We should have been doing BuskAid in Sheffield City Centre where performers perform back to back in aid of Christian Aid. CLICK
Here is the contribution from St John's which was the Anthem at today (Sunday) morning service.
Message from our Children's Minister Janet - take the water challenges:
Challenge 1
Challenge 2

Here was a collage of the big Hair Cut when Cathy had her hair cut by Matthew!

Andrew Coombe the HM Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire gave a talk and an insight into his role. Thank you to him for doing this. For more information about the role please visit:
Plant Sale
We had a wonderful plant sale that took place organised by Philip and Susan Walshaw. Thank you to them both for doing this.
How to make a donation:

For Children
We have lots of brilliant activities. Download our Children's packs here:
Christian Aid Pack
St John's Children's pack
Why dont you take some pictures and send us them and we will display them if we can during the service on Sunday 17th after Christian Aid Week has ended.
Claire Webber, 06/05/2020