Funerals at St John's

How do I begin arranging a funeral of someone who has died?
You should contact a local funeral director who will then arrange to call to see you or for you to go to one of their offices. There are lots of funeral directors in Sheffield whose contact details can be found on the internet or in the Yellow Pages. You could also contact the Administrator in the Parish Office who will be able to give you details of funeral directors in our area.
Do you have to attend St John’s for someone’s funeral to be held at the church?
No – anyone who lives in St John’s parish is able to have their funeral service led by a priest in church.
How much does arranging a funeral cost?
This would depend on what you and the family would like as part of the things you want the funeral directors to do. The precise details of the cost of a funeral would be able to be given to you by your funeral director. People find that the smallest part of any cost of a funeral is for the minister or priest to conduct the service.
How can the Parish Office help in arranging and presiding at the funeral?
The Parish Office would arrange for a priest to come to visit you to talk with you about your wishes for the service. They can also give you guidance and help about the service itself in relation to music, hymns and readings. The priest would also lead the service for you either at the church or the crematorium. One benefit of asking for your local vicar to do the service for you is that there will also be continued pastoral support for you and the family after the service.
I’m thinking about arranging what I would like at my own funeral before I die, how can I go about doing this?
You may give the Parish Office a call and we will arrange for a priest to call round and see you to have a chat about arranging what you would like as part of your funeral service. Preparing in this way can help relatives a great deal to know someone wishes when dealing with funeral directors.