
Thoughts & Prayers
We believe that to know that we or someone we love are being held in the thoughts and prayers of others, can give to us support and strength.
If you have someone, a situation or maybe a concern, that you would like to be held in prayer, please let Claire Webber our Parish Administrator know on  

Prayer Board
- You may have noticed that at the back of church we have a Prayer Board.  You can write the name of someone or a cause that you would like to be prayed for.  Matthew our Vicar will ensure that you are held in prayer the coming week during our services.

Prayer is something that can be both transforming and reassuring to us in our lives. There are some helpful guidelines on the church of England website on how you can learn to pray. 

A prayer you might like to use;

Holy and eternal God, we pray for our family and our friends and for all whom we love. We pray for those who we know who are suffering in any sort of way and who we know need our prayers. We pray for our local community of Ranmoor in which we live, for the city of Sheffield, and for the World. We pray that they may be places of love, peace, hope, justice and reconciliation.  We pray finally for ourselves, that we too may have peace and joy in our lives. Amen.


Claire Webber, 10/03/2020