Hire rates 

For the latest hire rates please contact us on 0114 230 1199 or request a copy to be sent on email claire.webber@stjohnsranmoor.org.uk

Users Terms and Conditions of Hire can be downloaded here

Regular User Form can be downloaded here

We are able to discount our Standard rate for registered charities, people who live in the Parish of St John the Evangelist, Ranmoor and for people on the electoral roll of St John the Evangelist, Ranmoor.  We also offer a 'special' rate for children's parties. For details about our rates, including how to qualify for the discounts, please contact us.

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide a piano in the main building, although there is still a piano available for groups who use the Annexe.

We are particularly interested to hear from people or organisations who are wanting to use our facilities on a long-term basis; we recognise that this may mean moving some of our existing users to other parts of the Centre.

The rates are subject to review.  The Trustees normally review the rates annually with revised rates being introduced from 1st April each year.

If you have any questions, please contact the Centre Administrator. 

Hubb Support, 17/01/2020