The Parochial Church Council

The Elected 2024-25 PCC are here
PCC Photographs

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) meets monthly (except in August and December) on the third Monday of the month. Its principal functions are as follows:

  • controlling expenditure within the parish
  • looking after the maintenance of the building
  • co-operation with the minister in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical
  • discussing matters concerning the Church of England or any matter of public or religious interest
  • having representatives on the deanery Synod

Buildings Group
The PCC has agreed that the Building Group shall:
  • Provide assessment of all fabric maintenance and repairs for St John’s
  • Provide strategic planning for a programme of maintenance work;
  • Recommend a programme for annual expenditure;
  • Monitor progress in-year against budget;
  • Ensure work is completed in a timely fashion and to a high standard; and,
  • Maintain up to date policies on health and safety including risk assessments for buildings and activities.

Finance Group
The PCC has agreed that the Finance Group shall:
  • Provide a strategic overview of the church’s financial position and prospects;
  • Recommend annual budgets for income and expenditure;
  • Monitor progress in-year against budget;
  • Ensure appropriate financial control systems are in place and to monitor their use;
  • Assist with preparation of annual accounts; and,
  • Encourage levels of giving from the congregation and, where appropriate, the wider community which are consonant with the budgets.

Social Justice Group
Who are we?

The group is made of members of the church family at St John’s, Ranmoor, with the full support of the Parochial Church council, who share a concern about social justice issues.

Who can be a member?
Anyone who is concerned about social justice issues.

How often do we meet?
Approximately three or four times a year or more often, if needed. We meet to discuss issues and events that we are concerned about and are supporting.

What are our aims?
  1. To respond to human need by loving service
  2. To seek to transform unjust structures of society
  3. To challenge violence and prejudice of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
  4. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
  5. To bear witness to the joy of Gospel in seeking to transform our society
What do we do?
  • We organise and support events promoting awareness of social justice issues e.g. Christian aid week
  • We take part in coordinated action in our Church, our Diocese and across the world in an attempt to tackle poverty, suffering and prejudice.
  • We seek to find ways of promoting an awareness of the importance of safeguarding the world and its resources.
  • We recommend charities local, nation and international for the Church council to consider supporting each year.
  • We raise awareness of and coordinate involvement in emergency relief appeals.
For more information please either contact the Parish Office or the vicar.