
Considering using the Centre?
This website shows the facilities that are available at the Centre and provides information about the facilities, booking conditions etc. We do though recommend that you Contact Us to arrange to visit the building before you hire our facility. We also recommend that you:
check the availability by contacting the office; and,
check our hire rates and Conditions of Hire (see below); and,
contact us by phone or Email to provisionally book your event in the calendar.
Hire conditions
The full Conditions of Hire can be downloaded here
Because the building is located in a residential area and contains private accommodation, potential hirers need to be aware that there are some restrictions on the playing of music and end times for all events at the Centre.
Hirers are also responsible for ensuring that the Centre is left in a tidy and clean state, returning all items of furniture, equipment etc to their storage area and taking away all unwanted items. The dustbins at the Centre are not for the use of hirers. The person who signs the booking form is personally responsible to ensuring these restrictions and all other conditions shown on the booking form, are complied with.
These restrictions include a requirement to end events by 22:00 hours and everyone leaving the premises (including the grounds) no later than 23:00 hours. The playing of music, of all types, is restricted to the Garden Room. We ask that music is not excessively loud. Hirers are also required to set-up and tidy/clean up for themselves. The hire charges reflect this requirement. The times of hire must include sufficient time for the hirer to set up and close down their event, because another hirer may be using the Centre before or after your event.
To make a booking for use of the Centre, contact the Centre Administrator by phone or email to discuss rates and the terms of hire.
When the Centre Administrator has received details of your proposed use, a booking agreement will be issued; this will include the agreed charges, payment arrangements and date/period of hire.. The booking will be regarded as provisional until a deposit of £50 has been received and a signed copy of the hire agreement has been received by the Centre Administrator.
Failure to return the signed hire agreement and deposit within 14 days of the provisional hire being made could result in the booking being lost.
Information about regular users can, free of charge, be advertised on this website. Please provide information, such as:
Name of group, and
Who (age, interest group, level of activity (e.g. fun, advanced, etc) are you wanting to attract, and
Your contact information, name, telephone number, email address, web site.