Faith & Worship
For all our services and current service pattern visit our news and services page
Sanctuary takes place in the side chapel once a month.

Bible Study groups take place every season in Church.

Our Services
Parish Communion
10.30am on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of the month & 6.30pm on the 1st Sunday of the month
This is our weekly central act of worship when we remember the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples. There are hymns, readings, a sermon and prayers and we share together bread and wine. One of our choirs also sing at the service. Like at all of our services children are most welcome and we have a children’s ’Footsteps’ group that meets during the service and returns just in time to receive communion.
All Age Family Service
10.30am on the 1st Sunday of every month
The All Age Family Service lasts for about 45 minutes. This is a service where people of all ages attend and is an interactive service for children. Refreshments are served after the service. Children are most welcome at all of our services!
Choral Evensong
6.30pm on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays of the month
5.30pm on Wednesdays during term time
Following the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, Choral Evensong offers a perfect opportunity to find some peace from the stresses and strains of everyday life and to participate in a more reflective kind of worship. The choirs play a major role in the singing of this beautiful service. The service also contains readings from the Old & New Testament as well as a sermon, prayers and space for reflection.
Holy Communion – 1662 Book of Common Prayer
This takes place on the first Sunday of the month at 6.30pm when Communion has not taken place in the All Age Service that morning.
This service follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with its traditional language. The service is a quiet, reflective, said service.
Holy Communion – Common Worship
This service is every Wednesday morning in room 2 of the Parish Centre before the Wednesday Lunch Club.
Morning Prayer
9am Monday to Saturday. In the side Chapel & on zoom.