Electoral Roll
The Church Electoral Roll is The Church electoral roll is the foundation of the whole structure of synodical government in the church. It contains the names and addresses of everyone who can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Once in every six years the preparation of new church electoral rolls takes place, which means that everyone must come off the roll and re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is in 2025. Deadline to be on the new roll is Monday 7th April 2025. After this time whilst the new role is being prepared you will have to wait until after the APCM on Sunday 27th April 2025
If you would like to be on our Church Electoral Roll and think you qualify to do so, please send the following completed to the Electoral Roll Officer Claire Webber: administrator@stjohnsranmoor.org.uk
Click here to download the Electoral Roll Form
Current Electoral Roll May 2024 can be viewed here