What's on:

Our weekly Newsheet can be downloaded here
Our March Calendar is here 
Our April Calendar is here

Sunday 30th March 2025

10.30am Parish Communion

Order of Service
Adult Choir
Missa Quarti Toni T L da Victoria
Ave Maria T L da Victoria

6.30pm Choral Evensong

Order of Service
Adult Choir
Purcell in G Minor
Responses Plainsong
Great is your faithfulness Helen Williams*
Psalm 32

Weekly Services:

  • Morning Prayer 9am every Monday to Saturday in Church and on ZOOM
  • Holy Communion 11.30am every Wednesday in room 2 of the Parish Centre.  The Wednesday lunch club follows this service for anyone who would like to come along, please contact the office.
  • Choral Evensong5.30pm every Wednesday in Church (from Mid July until beginning of September this service is Evening Prayer as our choirs are on summer break)


  • On the first Sunday of the month where the morning service is not Holy  Communion, there will be BCP Holy Communion in the evening.

  • On some fifth Sundays the morning service will be Sung Matins with Common Worship Holy Communion in the evening.



We broadcast our services live on YouTube and via our Facebook page. 

Click here or on the YouTube logo to follow our YouTube Page and to watch live services:

You tube logo

Like our Facebook Page and watch our services streamed via YouTube link, or, watch after the Service has finished. 
You dont have to have a Facebook login to view our Facebook page - all you need is internet connection and a web browser.
Click on the logo to go onto our Facebook Page:

Facebook logo

To watch our previous services click here


If you have any queries contact us administrator@stjohnsranmoor.org.uk


The Parish Office is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
9.30am til 2.30pm – Please check during school holidays as times may vary